What fun we had! Last night a gang of us went to Koko nightclub in Camden to see one of my favourite bands from the 80’s – Blancmange. Definitely one of the best gigs I’ve seen in ages. I had forgotten how much Blancmange had written the soundtrack to my late teens. As well as the obvious “Living on the Ceiling”, the classics just kept coming. “God’s Kitchen” “I’ve Seen the Word” “Waves” and my personal favourites, “Game Above my Head” and “Feel Me”. I had the time of my life, my wife danced all night and even my brother jigged about a bit. For my brother and me it had really fond memories as we saw Blancmange together at the Queensway Hall in Dunstable way back. They were superb then, and they haven’t lost any of their talent or stage craft. I loved Neil Arthur’s dry northern wit between each track. It is the same humour that runs through out all of the their tracks, old and new.
Of course Blancmange hadn’t just decided to tour with old material.They had a new CD, Blanc Burn (pronounced Blank Burn – like Blackburn – as Neil kept reminding us). It continues where they left off. Full of classic synth hits, with their own brand of lyrical wit Blancmange are back and on form. I got my copy of the new CD at the gig.
As an old synth collector and musician that has been finding it hard to feel inspired lately, I woke up this morning singing to myself filled with ideas. Blancmange always did have that effect on me. So I won’t write a great big blog, as I have tunes to bash out. Check out their website for news, music and even a free download.
Before I go and annoy my neighbours, my I want to send my wishes to Stephen Luscombe, their keyboard wizard. He has just been diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurism and was too ill to appear last night. It is effecting his spine and I know how that feels, so get well soon mate.