Believe it or not the reason why I haven’t blogged for a while is because I haven’t much to blog about. I haven’t gone crazy about bad access and gone postal, although the local paper, the CNJ, is going to write an article about my experience of access in Camden, or sunk into a black depression or anything. I spent this week either recovering from a heavy weekend, thanks to our friends Eve and Ashley, stuck in an MRI machine, being scanned within an inch of my life, or at an audition. I won’t say anything about that in case I jinx it. So I’ve been a bit too busy to find something to write my usual rant about. Amazing huh?
Next week is my 45th birthday, so I will probably have something to complain about there. I mean… 45! So watch this space for stories of age and falling apart.
Great post and hope you recover from your heavy weekend! Thinking about your visit to an MRI scanner makes me think about mine I had once , they’re awful arent they? Very bad! Well I have been having a busuy week what with my family up and having a bad cold but you seem to have been busy!
Have a great birthday Mik and don’t complain, you arent getting old but more knowledgable on disability matters on your blog! And dont fall apart , we love you just as you are!