I did plan to write a blog about the various proposed changes in what assistance disabled people get via benefits and care packages, but I actually feel that everyone would do better to visit the Disability Now website, or read the current issue of the magazine. The team there have put together a series of fantastic articles that really explain the planned changes.
I must congratulate Ian Macrae and his team at DN for their superb work helping anyone who might be effected by the proposals to understand what is ahead. Well done.
Katie Fraser says
Yes the disability Now articles are great! Andrew who works with me if you remember has now got a job helping to assist disabled people into getting support and care packages and to try to get disabled people to manage their care pqackages and finances better independently, it might be wirth you visiting again? You can see me too about ideas for the coming summer job forum and how you can help me in the new job I have as work experience co ordinator.
Katie Fraser says
I must say all the changes are confusing but it’s great that people like the Disability Now team , and others are reporting on what disabled people are doing and if people like my colleagues are working on benefit changes and the like , then we all get to know.